HSN PTSA Executive Board Members 2024 – 2025
PTSA President – Sejal Pandya: Mom of two boys, a HSN sophomore and 7th grader at CMS. She has been actively involved with the PTA since her children attended Maurice Hawk Elementary School. hsnptsa@gmail.com
Co-President – Salena Desiano: Salena has 3 children: 2 grown-up daughters and a son in 12th grade at HSN. She has lived in Plainsboro for 16 years. She has been on a PTA executive board for 10 years as VP Membership, VP Fundraiser, Co-President at Millstone River School and HSN.
Vice President Standing Committee and Mini-grants – Sharon DiSebastian: Sharon has lived in West Windsor for over 20 years. She is a mother of four children, three graduates of HSN and one junior. Sharon has volunteered in various committees including PTSAs at Maurice Hawk School and Millstone River. This is her first time serving on the PTSA board at North. She is a school counselor at Princeton Middle School.
Vice President Student Programs – Annie Ran: Annie has been on HSN PTSA Board for the past four years. She holds a BA degree and a BS in Finance from Penn State. She has a junior daughter and a freshman son in College.
Vice President Fundraising – Sampada Joshi: Sampada is a mother of a freshman at High School North. This is her first time on the board.
PTSA Treasurer – Janine Manolakos: Janine is a mother of four. She has a two daughers at HSN, a junior and a freshman, she has a 7th grade son at Community MIddle School, and 5th Grader in the DLI Program at Village. She has always been a PTSA member, but she is new to the board this year.
PTSA Secretary – Asma Patankar: Asma is a mother of two. Her older son graduated from HSN last year, and her younger son is a sophomore. She is new to the board.