SAT practice test dates will be scheduled in the future.  Below is information on how previous dates were organized.

Attention Freshman, Sophomore and Junior students

Kaplan Test Prep and The WWPHS PTSA will be hosting a SAT practice test on Saturday xx/xx/xx, from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM.

Cost: $10 for PTSA members: $15 for non-members.

Location : HSN

This practice test is sponsored by the West Windsor North High School PTSA. A $10 payment will be collected the day of the test at sign in for West Windsor Plainsboro High School North PTSA members and $15 for all non-members. Checks can be made out to “WWPHS North PTSA”

Students should arrive no later than 8:45 to sign in. Students should bring (2) #2 pencils, a calculator, water, and snack as well as a fully charged smartphone or tablet.

Great news — students will leave the practice test with their scores. They will need to bring a fully charged smartphone or tablet to use only after the completion of the test for scoring. In order for the scoring to work properly, students MUST be registered for the practice test by, Wednesday, December xxth.  If you have more than 1 student taking the practice test, please use a unique email for each student.

To register, please visit

For questions, please contact Program Manager, Ashley LaFrance at